Category Archives: Business Model Canvas Examples
The largest source of Business Model Canvas Examples. Great variety of Business model example in unique images using the business canvas.
Alibaba Business Model
The idea behind the creation of the Alibaba business model was to rewrite the way [...]
Continue ReadingDec
Instacart Business Model
The concept of the Instacart business model has been developed around the purpose of simplifying [...]
Continue ReadingNov
DJI Business Model
The DJI business model can be described as Direct-to-Consumer (D2C), as it sells its manufactured [...]
Continue ReadingOct
Canva Business Model
The Canva business model is a SaaS that provides graphic design software for people who [...]
Continue ReadingAug
Starbucks Business Model
Called by many “the McDonald’s of coffee”, Starbucks is probably the most famous coffee chain [...]
Continue ReadingJul
Stripe Business Model
Known as the “PayPal for the mobile era”, operating in 130 countries, with customers like [...]
Continue ReadingJul