Netflix Business Model

Netflix Business Model Canvas

The Netflix business model is a mix of On-Demand Subscription with All You Can Eat business models types. Let’s better understand that in this article. Quite possibly, you’ve been in a circle of friends in which somebody comments about a series they watched recently and someone else asks, “Is that on Netflix?”. That’s because Netflix […]

Uber Business Model

Uber Business Model

The Uber business model is also known as a multisided platform business model, as it connects drivers (offer) and passengers (demand), in order to offer cheaper transportation and an additional source of income. According to Dara Khosrowshahi, current CEO of Uber, “Uber accounts for less than 1% of all miles driven globally. Just a small […]

Amazon Business Model

Amazon Business Model

Defining the Amazon business model can be kind of a curious task, as we observe that this global trade giant increases its reach year by year, both geographically and in terms of products and services offered. To give you an idea of ​​the size of the business we’re talking about, in the time it takes […]

Business Model – What is it and How it works

What is a Business Model

The term business model has gained incredible popularity in the last decade as one of the most important ways of approaching business innovation and business strategy. If you’re like most people, you probably define business model as a company’s plan for making money. And you’re not the only one. Probably 80 to 90% of people […]

Cost Structure

Cost Structure

The Cost Structure is the last – but not least – component of a Business Model. It gathers the most important costs involved in the whole operation from the outset. This is the final block, precisely because we need to have all the previous components already defined so we can estimate the costs of each […]



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