Business Models Almanac – The Big Book of Business Types and Their Business Models
The Business Models Almanac, has over 200+ business explained that can help you get inspired to create the new unicorn in your market.
Table of Content
- Introduction
- .99 Shops (Dollar Store)
- Accreditation
- Ad-Free Subscription
- Add-On
- Advertising
- Adware
- Affiliate Marketing
- Agency
- Aggregators
- All You Can Eat (Ayce)
- All-Inclusive
- All-Pay Auction
- Alliance Model
- Art Dealer
- Assembler
- Asset Sale
- Auction
- B2b
- B2c
- B2c2b
- Bait & Hook
- Bargain Basement (Bargain Bin)
- Bargain Subscription
- Barter
- Bidding Fee Auction
- Bricks And Clicks Model
- Bricks And Mortar
- Broker-Dealer
- Brokerage
- Build To Sell Model
- Business And Employment Cooperative
- Buy & Sell
- Buy One Give One (B1g1 Or Bogo)
- Buying Clube (Worker Co-Op)
- Car Dealership
- Careware
- Car-Sharing
- Charity Crowdfunding (Donation Crowdfunding)
- Charity Shop Model
- Chemical Leasing
- Classified Advertising Model
- Clickbait
- Co-Operative
- Collaborative Business Model
- Collective Business Model
- Combinatorial Auction
- Commission-Based Model
- Community Commerce (Pyramid)
- Community Model
- Consignment
- Consignment Sales Model
- Consumables Subscription Model
- Consumer Cooperatives
- Content Community Commerce (Ccc) Model
- Credit Card Model
- Credit Union
- Crowd Business Models
- Crowd Renting
- Crowd Creativity
- Crowdfunding
- Crowdgifting
- Crowd Innovation
- Crowd Knowledge
- Crowd Labor
- Crowd Learning
- Crowdlending
- Crowdsourcing
- Cutting Out The Middleman
- D2c
- Daily Deals
- Dealership
- Debt-Bases Crowdfunding
- Demand-Side Platform
- Dematerialised Services
- Department Stores
- Destination Club
- Digital Transformation
- Direct Selling
- Directory Model
- Discount Clubs
- Diy / Power To The People
- Donationware
- Double Auction
- Dutch Auction
- E-Procurement
- Early Exit Strategy
- Embbebed Finance
- Embbeded Social
- Employment Agency Business Model
- English Auction
- Equity Crowdfunding
- Factoring
- Fair Trade
- Fast Fashion
- Financial Intermediary
- Flash Sales
- Fractional Ownership
- Franchising
- Freemium / Free
- Freeware
- Full Stack Model
- Generalized Second-Price Auction
- Gift Card Business Model
- Group Buying
- Hire & Leasing
- Honor System
- In-App Purchases
- Intermediation
- Japanese Auction
- Landlord Model
- Lead Generation
- Lending Club
- Licensing
- Litigation Crowdfunding
- Loan Sharking
- Long Tail
- Low-Cost
- Low-Cost Carrier
- Loyalty
- Made To Order
- Mafia
- Marketplace
- Mass-Customization
- Merchant Model
- Metering
- Micro Credit
- Micro Loan
- Microfinance
- Microfranchising
- Monopolistic Business Model
- Multi Business Model
- Multi-Level Marketing
- Multisided Or Two-Sided
- Multiunit Auction
- Music Streaming
- Name Your Own Price
- Network Effect
- No Frills Model (Discount Or Budget Model)
- Omni Channel
- On Demand Workforce Business Model
- One Deal A Day
- Online Business Models (E-Business Model)
- Online Marketplace Business Model
- Online2offline Commerce
- Open
- Open Innovation
- Open-Source
- Ott
- Outsource Model
- P2p
- Pawn Shop
- Pay Per Click
- Pay Per Performance (Pay Per Result)
- Pay What You Can (Pwyc) And Pay-What-You-Want (Pwyw)
- Pay-As-You-Go Model (Payg)
- Pay-Per-Use Model (Ppu)
- Payment Gateway (Or Payment Intermediaries)
- Paywall
- Peace Of Mind Model
- Peer To Peer Lending
- Penetration Pricing
- Penny Auction (Bidding Fee Auction Or All-Pay Auction)
- Performance-Based Advertising
- Pipe
- Platform (Intermediation Or Marketplaces)
- Pop Up Stores
- Post Paid Model
- Ppp
- Premium
- Prepaid Model
- Price Discrimination
- Price Skimming
- Private Club Model
- Private Label
- Private Shopping Club
- Product Bundling
- Product Service System Model
- Product Subscription
- Productized Service
- Proof Of Payment
- Pyramid Scheme
- Razor And Blades Business Model
- Rent Subscription
- Rent To Own
- Rental Business Model (Renting)
- Retailer Cooperative
- Revenue Share
- Revenue-Based Financing
- Reverse Auction
- Reverse Factoring
- Reverse Logistics
- Ride Matching
- S2p
- Saas
- Sampling Subscriptions
- Scan Based Trading Model
- Search Agent Model
- Second Hand Business Model
- Self Service
- Service Subscription
- Servicizing
- Set It And Forget It Model
- Shared Business Models
- Shared Ownership
- Shareware
- Showrooming
- Simplified Model
- Sliding Scale Fees
- Social Commerce
- Social Cooperative
- Sponsorship
- Store-In-Store
- Subscription
- Supply Chain
- Surprise Box Model
- Swapping
- Swapping For Products
- Swapping For Services
- Syndication
- The Ad Unit Model
- Three-Tiered
- Time-Based Pricing
- Timeshare
- Tip Jar/Donation
- Tripwire
- Usage Fee (Metered Service)
- Value-Added Reseller
- Vickrey Auction
- Virtual Business Model
- Walrasian Auction
- Warehouse Club Model
- White Label
- Wholesale
- Work Cloud
- Worker Cooperative
- Conclusion
Read an excerpt from the Business Models Almanac:
“There are thousands of different businesses in the world. They come in many different shapes and formats in a ever evolving market.
New technologies and consumer behavior changes are constantly forcing businesses to adapt and recreate themselves.
The same can be said about their business models. Their different types (or archetypes) are diverse and by combining them, entrepreneurs have been able to create disruptions never seen before.
After trying to classify business and its business models in different categories for years, I decided to create one big list (an almanac) of business types and its business models.
That’s how this almanac was born. Use it as a reference guide. Read one by one. Whatever way you choose, I hope it helps inspire you to create a new unicorn in your market.
This is must-have knowledge for entrepreneurs and business model analysts, and consultants if you want to dominate business models, this super guide was made especially for you.
Product images are for illustrative purposes only