Category Archives: Business Model Canvas Examples
The largest source of Business Model Canvas Examples. Great variety of Business model example in unique images using the business canvas.
Facebook Business Model
The Facebook business model is a multisided platform. Although other brands have called themselves “social [...]
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Google Business Model
The Google business model is a multisided platform. What started as a search company is [...]
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LinkedIn Business Model
The LinkedIn business model is a multisided platform that connects professional users that want to [...]
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Etsy Business Model
The Etsy business model is a multisided platform focused on handcrafted goods. With 15 years [...]
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Walmart Business Model
The Walmart business model has turned the retail company into the largest supermarket chain in [...]
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Tesla Business Model
The Tesla business model operates as a Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) business model as it sells directly, [...]
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